October 17, 2024 | 11:10 pm
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02- Melissa Douglas – Miss Thiiah’s Juices & Organic Foods

Votes: [votes poll=’100842′ id=1]

Personal Info

  • Num:
  • Name:
    Melissa Douglas
  • Title:
    Miss Thiiah’s Juices & Organic Foods
  • Age:
  • Height:
    5′ 10
  • Vital Statistics:
  • Occupation:
    Attorney-in Training

Hobbies and Interests

  • School Last Attended:
    University of Ottawa
  • Scholastic Awards/Achievements:
    Dean’s Honour List (McGill University)
    Full Academic Scholarship (University of Toronto and York University)
    Golden Key Honour Society (Lifetime Member)
  • Hobbies:
    International Travel and Dance
  • Favourite Color:
  • Favourite Food:
    Anything with Plantain
  • Favourite Sport:
  • Favourite Singer:
    Celine Dion
  • Favourite Actor:
    Viola Davis
  • Favourite Film:
    The Mummy
  • Life’s Ambition:
    My ambition in life is to become an attorney, advocating for the rights of the most marginalized members of our Jamaican society, as well as others
    around the world who have been affected by armed conflict. I would also like to constantly improve in every area of my life, from career to
    personal relationships with family to further my own personal development and spiritual growth. Finally, I would like to find new opportunities
    to improve our society by utilizing our greatest resource, our people, both in the diaspora and the island, through charities and businesses for
    the betterment of our society, and to aid in the improvement of public institutions, in particular our hospitals.
  • What are your five-year goals?:
    In five years, I would like to be a practising attorney at the International Criminal Court, after earning my masters in law. I would also like to work with the Office of the Children’s Lawyer in Jamaica, to implement legislation and mechanisms for the increased protection of children who are the victims of abuse. I would also like to become a Zumba instructor, Fitness and dance have been instrumental in my life and I wish to be a provider of that kind of joy.
  • Motivation for entering Miss Jamaica World 2017?:
    I wanted to accomplish something outside my comfort zone of academics, and to provide service to my country in a meaningful way. I believe that the Miss Jamaica World platform would provide me with that opportunity not only for personal growth, but for also carrying out honourable work within our society.
  • What is your most unusual experience?:
    I ziplined in Las Vegas despite being deathly afraid of heights.
  • Describe your proudest/happiest moment:
    The moment I graduated from law school has been the proudest moment of my life, as it was the culmination of a lifetime of education.