September 7, 2024 | 7:46 pm
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03 – Sasha Henry – Miss Caribbean Lasik Vision Centre

Votes: [votes poll=’100842′ id=2]

Personal Info

  • Num:
  • Name:
    Sasha Henry
  • Title:
    Miss Caribbean Lasik Vision Centre
  • Age:
  • Height:
    5′ 8
  • Vital Statistics:
  • Occupation:
    Police Officer/ Public Policy

Hobbies and Interests

  • School Last Attended:
    University of the West Indies
  • Scholastic Awards/Achievements:
    Associate Degree in General Studies
  • Hobbies:
    Dancing & Acting
  • Favourite Color:
    Rose pink, white and grey
  • Favourite Food:
    Shrimp & Pasta
  • Favourite Sport:
  • Favourite Singer:
  • Favourite Actor:
    Halle Belle
  • Favourite Film:
    Harry Potter
  • Life’s Ambition:
    To become the first female commissioner
  • What are your five-year goals?:
    To complete a Master’s Degree from an area in Government Studies. To start a small business.
  • Motivation for entering Miss Jamaica World 2017?:
    : Apart from being encouraging I believe I am the epitome of the MJW mantra ‘Beauty With A Purpose’ for the very fact that I am a serving member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force in which my utmost purpose is to serve my country, protect and reassure it’s citizens. Also, in being apart of the competition I am/would be creating history in the JCF and in the MJW pageant, as no police officer has ever entered before. It gives me an opportunity to continue making a difference in people’s lives.
  • What is your most unusual experience?:
    Getting tear-gassed in training and immediately after being pepper sprayed.
  • Describe your proudest/happiest moment:
    Passing GSAT Examination and getting the school of my first choice St Jago