October 26, 2024 | 5:52 pm
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08 – Amaya Lewis – Miss Loud Fashion

Votes: [votes poll=’100842′ id=7]

Personal Info

  • Num:
  • Name:
    Amaya Lewis
  • Title:
    Miss Loud Fashion
  • Age:
  • Height:
  • Vital Statistics:
  • Occupation:
    Microbiology Laboratory Assistant

Hobbies and Interests

  • School Last Attended:
    University of Florida
  • Scholastic Awards/Achievements:
    Bachelor of Science in Health Education, Univ. of Florida
    Minor in Dance, Univ. of Florida
    Presidential Scholarship Recipient, Univ. of Florida
    Partners for Youth Foundation Arts Scholarship, Univ. of Florida
    Graduated top 10% of high school class with honors, Dillard High School
  • Hobbies:
    Horseback ridding
    Aerobic exercising
  • Favourite Color:
    Burnt Orange
  • Favourite Food:
    Curry Chicken
  • Favourite Sport:
    Water aerobics, Volleyball
  • Favourite Singer:
    Beres Hammond
  • Favourite Actor:
    David Oyelowo/ Viola Davis
  • Favourite Film:
  • Life’s Ambition:
    To provide healing, training, and improved quality of life to individuals who face debilitating musculoskeletal conditions through the fields of orthopedic and sports medicine. As a natural-born athlete and trained dancer, I am very conscious of the human anatomy and its biomechanical functions, but I have also faced injuries and complex orthopedic conditions over the years that have shaped my life. Diagnosed with a rare, but non-life threatening orthopedic condition called Blount’s Disease, I know what it is to have limitations, but I also know what it is to be resilient. Motivated through my experience, I am invested in understanding and treating musculoskeletal pathologies that arise inherently and through athletic injuries because I desire to see individuals live pain-free, active, limit-less lives. Through medical training as an orthopedic physician, I aspire to be a vessel of healing to help children, adolescence, and adults achieve total body health.
  • What are your five-year goals?:
    To be in the final stages of medical school to then begin practicing as a board certified orthopedic physician. In this time, I also seek to establish a foundation for Blount’s Disease to fund necessary research to discover the genetic determinants responsible for the development of this disease, as well as to provide early screening and conservative treatment to prevent the need for invasive surgical correction later in life. In five years, I hope to be a recognized member in the Jamaican and Greater Caribbean diaspora for my efforts towards improved health outcomes across the region, as well as to begin volunteering with Doctor’s Without Borders to reach farther countries.
  • Motivation for entering Miss Jamaica World 2017?:
    Rooted in my heritage, I desire to be a voice, an example, and an inspiration to my Jamaican people, especially our children and youth. Having a right to a bright future, I seek to nurture their potential as a mentor and peer. Furthermore, I want to elevate Brand Jamaica by exemplifying that though our country is little, we are resoundingly talawah in spirit, strength, ingenuity, intelligence, creativity, and of all, love. Out of many one people is what we stand for, and as Miss Jamaica World, it would be my duty to wholly represent every class and creed that constitutes the vibrant tapestry of Jamaica. Beauty begins with character; your morals and willingness to impact the lives of others. I believe that my character is sound and through this platform, I would be given the opportunity to truly touch the lives of many through charity and service, as an ambassador in training for the Miss World Crown!
  • What is your most unusual experience?:
    Up in Flames!
    One day in college when my siblings and cousins came into town to visit, I picked them up in my then, very small Honda Civic. My older brother was the previous owner of the car and being the student engineer that he was, he literally rewired the vehicle at the time to make it drive faster. With full-sized luggage and five adults, we all crammed into the car to head back to my apartment…but we didn’t get very far. With the weight of the vehicle and the novice re-wiring job that my brother previously did, one of the rear wires sparked and set the back seat on fire! Frantically, we all jumped out of the car, luggage in hand, and desperately ran for help but to no avail. Fortunately my father had always taught me to keep a jug of water in my trunk, which is what I used to quickly dowse the growing flames before they could fully go ablaze. Looking back it’s a hilarious story to tell, even more so that we vowed never to tell our mother. Nevertheless, the lesson learned from this unusual experience is that, yuh nuh fi pack up car like sardine!
  • Describe your proudest/happiest moment:
    As a recent college graduate, I volunteered for a week with a medical non-profit organization on a service project throughout rural communities in Clarendon. Through our efforts and with our resources, we were able to provide primary care to more than 150 community members from infants to adults. We treated persons for common ailments and conditions prevalent in their respective areas, such as hypertension and diabetes, and provided free medication prescribed by our team of medical doctors. The warm recipients of our services were extraordinarily grateful for our medical care and insisted that they would continue to return annually for check-ups from our team. I was also impacted directly because I saw the difference that a little kindness, understanding, and a willingness to help actually makes. This was a tangible effort to practically improve the lives of my very own people via accessible, quality healthcare.