October 18, 2024 | 12:02 am
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11 – Shantel Gardner – Miss Caribbean Industrial Systems

Votes: [votes poll=’100842′ id=10]

Personal Info

  • Num:
  • Name:
    Shantel Gardner
  • Title:
    Miss Caribbean Industrial Systems
  • Age:
  • Height:
    5′ 5
  • Vital Statistics:
  • Occupation:

Hobbies and Interests

  • School Last Attended:
    UWI in collaberation with excelsior community college school of Nursing
  • Scholastic Awards/Achievements:
    I garnered 11 csec subjects 4cape with all passess ,i also recieved the principals award whilst in my second year of college for outstanding academic performance
  • Hobbies:
    swimming ,going to the movies and doing makeup
  • Favourite Color:
  • Favourite Food:
    curry chicken and rice
  • Favourite Sport:
  • Favourite Singer:
    keisha Cole
  • Favourite Actor:
    tyler perry
  • Favourite Film:
    Diary of a mad black woman
  • Life’s Ambition:
    My ambition is to become a Pediatric Nurse
  • What are your five-year goals?:
    My five year goal involves specializing into Pediatric nursing, as i have a special love for children and enjoy caring for the ill .As well as acquiring a beauty and skin care salon , offering makeup services and skin care products
  • Motivation for entering Miss Jamaica World 2017?:
    My belief that all things are possible through Christ who strengthens me,and by representing the beautiful island of Jamaica only the true depiction of Jamaica would be portrayed through my knowledge beauty humbleness and willingness impact and empower the life of others
  • What is your most unusual experience?:
  • Describe your proudest/happiest moment:
    I am a very happy and fun loving,optimistic individual, i enjoy making others feel happy ,however my proudest moment involve my academic achievements throughout high school years and whilst still in college have been doing exceptionally well and for that i am happy that my hard work paid off. In my second year of college i acquired a principals award because of my academic performance and that has been my proudest moment .