October 17, 2024 | 11:11 pm
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MJW: Meet The Beauties

On August 15, 20 beautiful, bright and talented Jamaican women will vie for the title of Miss Jamaica World. Until then, The Gleaner’s Flair Magazine, official print sponsor of the competition will get you up close and personal with the contestants as we ‘Meet the beauties’.

We asked them:

1) Why did you enter MJW?

2) If you were on the cover of a magazine what would the headline be?

3) What is your must-have item in your bag?

– Name: Talia Soares, 23

Sponsor: Miss Morfose Hair Care Series

1) “I entered the pageant because at this stage of my life, while still eligible, I believe I’ve learned and experienced enough to be able to join the tradition of strong women who embody ‘Beauty with a purpose’.

“Also, having already been exposed to the Jamaican populace, as a television presenter, and the many facets of our culture and lifestyle, I thought this was the perfect platform to share more of my multifaceted nature with my fellow Jamaicans, where I can also further support the growth and development of the Jamaican people, particularly our children, who are most vulnerable, and in hopes of strengthening my capacity as a woman of purpose and substance who is capable of doing and being much more for the benefit of the nation.

2) Talia: Fit to win: The TV host and attorney-at-law shares the personal story behind her fitness and her inspirational journey to the crown.

3) A bottle of water, because first, it’s the number-one beauty serum, second, its’ important to keep hydrated in this climate. And finally, it is simply good for the body.

– Name: Suchelis Rhodd: 24, Sponsor: Miss Klip Xtreme

1) “My core values and increasing capacity to help others – beyond being a medical doctor – have led me down multiple and diverse paths. I believe that the Miss World organisation is a significant platform that provides an opportunity for me to develop my own skills and competencies via networking, travel and experiential learning, that will undoubtedly enhance my potential to positively impact the lives of others.

“The mission of the Miss World organisation resonates with my goals and aspirations, and I will humbly accept the honour to make a small contribution to an organisation that promotes ‘Beauty with a Purpose’.”

2) Likkle but she Tallawah

3) I almost said money, but that would be a figment of my imagination; and probably could not be further from reality. There are three things that I always have in my bag: lip balm – to protect against chapped lips, and guarantee a radiant smile; hand sanitiser – to protect my patients and myself; and lotion – to moisturise my skin generally and my hands in particular, especially since in my profession I am repeatedly scrubbing, which may be harsh on one’s skin.

– Name: Krystal Tomlinson, 25 Sponsor: Miss Spa Aesthetique

1) “I entered this competition with the goal of representing my country internationally. As MJW, you are expected to embody the spirit of Jamaica through beauty, grace, intellect, and compassion for community. I am confident that I possess those qualities. Furthermore, the mantra, ‘Beauty with a Purpose’ has struck a chord with me, since in my eyes, beauty must be more than an exercise in vanity. Beauty has little value unless it serves an unselfish purpose.

2) I’m very concerned with the sustainable management of natural resources and how that affects the quality of life in Jamaica. The most fulfilling and ideal headline for me would be: ‘Young Jamaican solves nation’s water and energy crisis with community-based natural resource management programme’.”

3) My earphones to listen to the voice notes I leave for myself as daily encouragement.

– Name: Kayla Blake, 24

Sponsor: Miss Winchester Optical

1) “The MJW competition is all about ‘Beauty With a Purpose’, and the opportunities for personal development intrigued me. I also believe that it could help me to diversify my ‘purpose’ in life, inform persons about what our environment is facing, and also to be a role model for my two younger sisters.”

2) ‘Jamaica’s beach beauty: Marine biologist at work’.

3) “Antibacterial wipes – never know when you might need to sanitise.”

– Name: Renee Boland 20,

Sponsor: Amelia Morgandy

1) “I decided to enter this competition mainly to aid my personal development. I strongly believe this competition will help me to transition from adolescence to womanhood easier. This means I will learn how to improve my communication and public speaking skills. Also, I will become a more mature and responsible young woman. Also to be able to expand my network and I would gain positive exposure.”

2) ‘Jamaica’s Wealthiest


3) This has to be my hand sanitiser. Our hands are the most used parts of our bodies because we are constantly holding and touching objects. This means that we are being exposed to different types of germs every day. And with our nation’s water crisis, carrying a hand sanitiser is key, since lack of water leads to the spread of diseases.