October 17, 2024 | 11:39 pm
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15 – Leah Hollingsworth – Miss IntraNET Solutions

Votes: [votes poll=’100842′ id=14]

Personal Info

  • Num:
  • Name:
    Leah Hollingsworth
  • Title:
    Miss IntraNET Solutions
  • Age:
  • Height:
    5′ 8
  • Vital Statistics:
  • Occupation:
    International Relations Student

Hobbies and Interests

  • School Last Attended:
    University of Maryland
  • Scholastic Awards/Achievements:
    Certificate of Meritorious Service
  • Hobbies:
    Exercising and Volunteering
  • Favourite Color:
  • Favourite Food:
  • Favourite Sport:
  • Favourite Singer:
    Beres Hammond
  • Favourite Actor:
    Sandra Bullock
  • Favourite Film:
  • Life’s Ambition:
    My ambition in life is to help the children in developing communities set goals for themselves while providing them with the tools they need to create a path to success, ensuring a bright future for them that will afford them the best opportunities available.
  • What are your five-year goals?:
    My five year goals are to successfully obtain my bachelors degree, as well as my MBA. After that, my goals are to travel the world and experience as many different cultures and ways of living as possible and take my philanthropic efforts to the next level.
  • Motivation for entering Miss Jamaica World 2017?:
    I was motivated to enter the pageant because of what it represents. I have always felt such a strong sense of pride and connection to Jamaica although not being born here, and I saw the pageant as an amazing way to represent my country and help others.
  • What is your most unusual experience?:
    My most unusual experience was eating gator in Florida. I had no idea it was gator. I ate it unknowingly. Had I known, I wouldn’t have touched it!
  • Describe your proudest/happiest moment:
    My proudest moment was when I was volunteering after school at an inner city community center. A young girl confided in me that she felt left behind because everyone else in her class knew how to read. I worked with her every day after school until she became confident in her reading skills. The day she read me an entire book was the proudest moment of my life. It was good knowing I made a difference.