September 16, 2024 | 2:15 pm
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First ever themed photo shoot representing the four natural elements

Every being on this earth is a representative of one of the four natural elements. Fire, Air, Earth, and Water, are the four natural elements that are often times referred to as the Triplicities. The term, triplicities, comes from the fact that there are three signs associated with each of the four elements. For this year’s staging of the Miss Jamaica World 2011, the pageant organizers are embracing and acknowledging these four elements and the characteristics that diversify them and make the world what it is today. This year the pageant organizers wanted to take the pageant to a new level so the first ever officially themed photo shoot was added to the roster of events. “Stushly” shot at the breathtaking Boone Hall Oasis nestled in the Hills of St. Andrew, the venue was the perfect place to capture the essence of the four elements. According to pageant director Terri-Karelle Reid, “The elements surrounds us daily and they make us who we are so we thought it fitting to celebrate these everyday vital elements with each set of 5 girls channeling earth, air, fire and water,” she ended. When these elements are translated as personality traits or temperament, they become important features of the delineation. Earth reflects common sense, action orientation is fire, thinking and communication skills is air, and the ability to feel and intuitively know reflects water.

The ‘Radiance’ of FIRE
The Fire element exemplifies high spirits, great faith in self, enthusiasm, and direct honesty. The fire sign nature projects a radiant, vitalizing energy that seems to glow with warmth and exuberance. The five ladies who bring the zest and radiance of the fire element include Maya Wilkinson, Miss Maybelline New York, Arielle Foot Miss Dryclean USA, Monique Brady Miss Optical Solutions, Joella Bromfield Miss French Connection and Brittany Singh Miss Wellness Rotisserie and Fine Foods.

The ‘dependence’ of EARTH
Cautious, premeditative, conventional, and dependable, the element of earth represents practicality, common sense code that is stable, and concerned with physical well-being rather than spiritual attainment. The Goddesses representing the element of earth are Liane Chung Miss Venue Embrace, Chantel Davis Miss Neutrogena, Kayla Mendes Miss Osmosis, Reeshma Ragbeer Miss Acropolis Gaming and Entertainment Centre and Gabrielle Blackwood Miss Kirov Premium Vodka.

The ‘intellectual’ AIR
Air can be said to be of the most surprising or underestimated of the elements. Within this group there is a strong emphasis on thought, ideas and intellectual pursuits of one sort or another. The gentle wisps of air was channeled through these ladies; Michelle Daley Miss 12 to 12 promotions, Roxanne Elliott Miss Ocean Spray Wata, Dahlia Dwyer Miss Bucmars Inc Ltd, Chavoy Gordon Miss Appleton Jamaica Rum and Rene Harris Miss Tru Juice.

The subtleties of WATER
The Element of water puts you closely in touch with your feelings, and in tune with the nuances and subtleties in the environment that others won’t even notice. The bevy of beauties that represent this element group are Lisa Williams Miss Dunns Electrical, Zahra McGraham Miss Usain Bolt’s Tracks and Records, Paula-Kay Beswick Miss Dark and Lovely, Danielle Crosskill Miss Ocean Spray and Hollanders Myers Miss Club Privilege.