September 7, 2024 | 7:55 pm
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Miss Jamaica World Franchise Acquired by Laura Butler

Laura (Candy) Butler

Laura (Candy) Butler

Spartan Health Club Managing Director, Mr. Mickey Haughton-James, would like to congratulate Miss Laura Butler on her acquiring the Miss World franchise for Jamaica. Miss Butler is well equipped to do an outstanding and long stint at the helm of one of Jamaica’s premier cultural institutions – the annual Miss Jamaica World Pageant.

Miss Laura Butler is the Managing Director of Fusion Consulting Ltd. and Director of Invision Management Consultants in Jamaica. She has over 15 years experience in the field of Human Resources and Training and acts as a private consultant to a number of leaders in both Jamaica and the wider Caribbean. She has also worked with the Poverty Reduction Programme – a joint project funded by the European Union, the Jamaican Government and the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF).

In addition, she has served as a director on the Consumer Affairs Commission (CAC) and the Small Business Association of Jamaica (SBAJ), where she helped to create job opportunities, secure funding and provide business support to Micro and small businesses island wide. She also worked with the Jamaica Employers Federation, where she assisted with their development & conducted training programmes.

Miss Butler currently lectures at the Norman Manley Law School, UWI and at UTECH as an independent consultant in the field of Business & Social Etiquette, Image Building, Interview skills and Techniques and co presents with Jamaica’s principal logistics, ceremonial and protocol consultant, Merrick Needham.

Miss Butler is a director of a non-profit company, Success Jamaica. This non-profit was formed by Carina Cockburn and Laura Butler in 2003. Success Jamaica is responsible for the annual seminar “Surviving the Corporate Jungle” which hosts over 400 students each year and is designed to bridge the gap between university students and young people entering the corporate world for the first time. She continues to make a meaningful contribution to the further development of organizations and ultimately the Jamaican and Caribbean people.

As an organizer with the Miss Jamaica World Pageant, Laura has been involved at several levels including organizing and staging the National Finals in 2002; in charge of image building, grooming, social & business etiquette and interview skills and techniques. She helped prepare several of Jamaica’s representatives to Miss World. She has also been very active as a talent scout for Miss Jamaica World and lists Jade Fulford, who placed in the Top 10 at Miss World 2003 among her recruits.

She has a bloodline that is deeply rooted in the Miss Jamaica Pageant. Madge Holman, Laura’s aunt, placed 3rd in the Pageant when it was being run by the Government; another aunt – Susan Holman – placed 3rd in 1984 when it was being run by Spartan. Laura herself was a Top 10 Finalist in 1995. She is therefore very aware of what the Pageant is all about internally.

I have every confidence that Laura, along with Nicky Baxter who promotes Miss Jamaica World Middlesex and Junior Taylor who promotes Miss Jamaica World Cornwall, will take Miss Jamaica World to unprecedented heights. Spartan has pledged its full support to enable a smooth transition.

Mickey Haughton-James
Managing Director
Spartan Health Club