October 5, 2024 | 11:04 pm
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Beauties with a Purpose-MJW 2010 contestants participate in the Beautification Project of Seaview Gardens

One Love, One Heart, One Jamaica

One of the new exciting features of the Miss Jamaica World 2010 Pageant, is the incorporation of charity projects during the contest period. “With the MJW’s slogan being “Beauty with a Purpose”, it was imperative for us to inject that theme throughout the pageant and not just place emphasis on the preparation of the ladies”, commented Terri-Karelle Reid, Pageant Director. On August 3, 2010, the MJW 2010 Contestants participated in a Beautification Tree Planting Project in Seaview Gardens.

The Students for Transformation (SFT) which is the student arm of the National Transformation Programme (NTP) housed at the Office of the Prime Minister, officially invited the 2010 MJW contestants to participate in the beautification project. The ladies were well equipped with machetes, shovels, forks and other garden tools as they branched off in groups to plant the Blue Mahoe and various other trees. The objective is to create a little park for the community’s marching band B-Flat members, who range from ages 6 years to 19 years, as well as other citizens of the community.

After the tree planting exercise, the MJW contestants had a “transformational rap session” with the B-Flat band members who wasted no time in displaying their many skills which ranged from dub-poetry, to dance to instrument playing. The girls had a blast!

As an act of solidarity, the contestants like so many other groups/ companies/ organizations who contribute to the beautification process of Seaview Gardens, were encouraged to paint a positive message on the wall of the complex. With the 2010 MJW theme being “Peace & Love, Jamaica”, it was a no-brainer that that message would be fitting for the mural. Led by Theresa Cann, Ms Dunn’s Electrical who is known for her artistic abilities, the MJW 2010 contestants got to work- sketching and painting. The conceived idea-the outline of the island of Jamaica embraced by dove’s wings with a heart in the middle….some might have doubted how well the free handed artist would deliver…but deliver she did! With each contestant making her little contribution, it was indeed  work of art.

The beautification project will be something sustainable and with a lot of encouragement, the citizens of the community will maintain the cleanliness to create a great environment for adults and children alike. The ladies will be able to look back and say “we had a hand in that”. It was the perfect fusion of the slogan “Beauty with a Purpose” and the theme “Peace & Love, Jamaica”.