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Arielle Foote, A Heart For Charity

Miss Jamaica World Western and Miss Jamaica World 2011 finalist Arielle Foote

The Jamaica Gleaner Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mother’s death, a motivation for Miss Jamaica World Western 2011

Despite her title duties as Miss Jamaica World Western 2011, and her day-to-day job as a dental hygienist, Arielle Foote still finds the time for charity.

The foundation, though not fully fledged, aims to help children who are victims of cancer, or those whose parents suffer from the disease. Her passion for this charity is a result of Foote having lost her mother to cancer at 11 years old.

So far, the Keep Faith Alive Foundation has adopted one child, for whom they have been employing several strategies to assist with medical fees.

Likes equal donations

One initiative is the Likes = Donations Campaign. This campaign utilises the social network, Facebook, where, for every ‘Like’ on Foote’s fan page, ‘Arielle Foote for Miss Jamaica 2011’, $20 will be donated, courtesy of Facial and Oral Surgery Associates.

“I was fortunate to meet Dr Ladi Doonquah, the head of Facial and Oral Surgery Associates. I’m glad we both are sensitive to a cause as this,” she stated.

Another initiative that proved fruitful was the solicited contributions from Best of Jamaica Television and the Foote Prints Hotel.

However, disappointment was in the mix as the charity event that was to be held on July 24 was postponed indefinitely. The event was supposed to be held in Montego Bay and was sponsored by Rum-Bar Rum and Red Bull, with proceeds going towards the child’s treatment.

A fighting spirit

With that disappointment, Foote is immune to failure as she continues to devote her time and passion to this cause. This determination is also evident in other aspects of her life.

At just 18 years old, she had already completed a degree in dental hygiene and was an honour student at the Northern Caribbean University. Foote is also the recipient of several scholarships, which include the Colgate Palmolive Scholarship for the top dental-hygiene student, and the Byron Robinson Scholarship for academic achievement.

The Keep Faith Alive Foundation is a precursor to Foote’s ultimate goal. “This charity is the first step to developing my dream of the ‘Marlene Foote Memorial Foundation’ in honour of my mother, whom I lost to breast cancer.”

Article courtesy of the Jamaica Gleaner published July 30, 2011.