March 6, 2025 | 10:07 pm
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Contestant # 14 Kyesha Randall Miss HiQo Art GalleryMiss Hi QO Art Gallery, #14

Age:  23
Height:  5’6″
Weight:  113 lbs
Bust:  34″
Waist:  24″
Hips:  27″
Life Ambition:  To be an international actress, film director and producer.
5 Year Goals:  Starring in my first movie, filming my first script

Hometown: Montego Bay, Saint James

I have recently completed my Bachelor of Arts degree program in Journalism at the Caribbean Institute of Media and communication (CARIMAC), at the University of the West Indies, Mona.

I am a member of both the Dance Spirit Performing Arts Company in Montego Bay and the QUILT performing Arts Company in Kingston.

I realized my career path in Communication when I auditioned to be a teen radio announcer at Links 96.5 FM in Savanna-la-mar, in the year 2009. After a year of working as an announcer while in community college, I was offered a full time placement at the media house. I  accepted and became the youngest announcer on western radio at that time.

I was accepted into CARIMAC with the hope of strengthening my skills in radio. However, I realized I  have a love for Television Production instead.

I am an activist, poet, singer, actress and have been receiving numerous awards since High school for excellent contribution to service, development and the Performing Arts.  As a  “Jill of all trades” in the field of media as well as Entertainment, I have hosted and performed at several events on the University Campus; anchored the Campus beat news feature in 2012 and went on to be crowned Miss UWI 2013-2014.

As a young woman from very humble beginnings, I say the sky is the limit.

I believe that the Performing Arts is a healing element that can help with self development and growth. I wish to create a platform to allow and encourage support for Jamaicans in the Arts. As such, I hope to continue making strides toward my vision of revolutionizing the Jamaican Film industry.